Igano Kabamaru – 12 & Batch

In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… The A-Team.

Apparently, Igano has a career change in this episode and starts life as a soldier of fortune minor celebrity/wannabe King Kong. How rare.

Igano Kabamaru – 11

Igano and Shizune decide to join the WWE this week and lay waste to all opposition, until Wrestlemania rolls around yet again and the main event sees the two facing each other in a submission faceoff. Shizune gets in a few early clothes lines but after a game-changing suplex by Igano, he unleashes his fearsome arm-lock. This looks like the end of the line for Shizune’s wrestling career… or does it? Watch a completely unrelated eleventh episode of Igano Kabamaru now to (not) find out.

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Igano Kabamaru – 10

Eeks! After an experiment by part-time student, part-time evil scientist Maejima-kun goes horribly wrong, lots of kitchenware and utensils start running amok and attacking people. Can Kabamaru survive the savage pot-and-pan invasion? Or will he succumb to the onslaught of boiling soup, whisked eggs and barbecue skewers? Find out in episode 10 of Igano Kabamaru.

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Desperately Seeking Raws for Sasuke

Hi, merry followers of Saizen! Here in Saizen, we’re always looking out for potential projects to fill the void when our current ongoing series have ended. At the moment, with Igano, Ashita no Joe, Captain Tsubasa and Yawara all being pretty much midway through, there’s no rush for us to pick up any more series – and in fact, it’d probably put too much strain on the group to produce any more series. But one series has caught our eye that we would potentially like to produce subs for in the near future (Read: when any of those series ends). I present Sasuke: a popular series made in the late 60s about a young ninja who’s on the run because he and his father have been charged with war crimes. The penalty: death.


This series was a precursor to a lot of ninja series you see nowadays and there’s no doubt that shows like Naruto owe a lot to Sasuke. The only issue we’re having is this 29-episode title is out of print. No DVDs are currently on sale except for ridiculously high secondhand prices on amazon.jp. So we thought we’d give this a try – if there’s anyone out there who already has the DVDs, we are requesting the ISO’s so that we can produce a good sub of it for all the wonderful people who download our junk. There was an Italian version released at some point, as far as we can tell, so that might make the raws easier to come by, but unfortunately without the raws, Saizen’s hope of subbing this series will remain a pipedream.

This has been a public service announcement by Saizen. We thank you for your attention.

P.S. You can find a trailer for the series here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9h7fmy20D0 (it might spark a few memories!)

Igano Kabamaru – 09

“Hi there. Remember me? Yes, it’s Kabamaru-kun. You know… the one with the crazy ninja skills? Never mind. I’ve fallen on hard times recently – the tuition fees at Kingyoku cleaned me out – so I had to get a part-time job to pay my way. I met this director (well, he had a camera at least) who told me I had the right face for adult entertainment, so I started doing some shooting with Poopy for his next film. I’ve now perfected the ‘flying rape’ technique which is really fun. I’ve linked the video below. Hope you enjoy it. Gimme a call if you want to cast me in anything. Peace.”


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Igano Kabamaru – 08

And now to take a trip down Memory Lane. In this episode, Kabamaru recalls how his Gramps used to be a bodyguard for a famous actress. Here they are, shooting a scene to one of her most critically-acclaimed films Waterworld, when the actress in question started struggling with the rush of water. But don’t worry, our favorite old codger dived in and saved her. What a man! Oh wait, she’s dead? Bummer…

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