Captain Tsubasa (2002) – 35

Happy New Year, everyone!

I am happy to report that the first release of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 in 2012 has arrived! What a way to start the new year!

As with the past couple of episodes of this fine series, this episode brings us more of Carlos Santana’s back story. However, it also showcases the remarkable teamwork of the Brancos. Santana is really going to need that rosary of his if Tsubasa and the rest of the Brancos FC have anything to do with it.

So, take a moment (or more) to download this episode of CT2002 and then enjoy the exciting action!

Igano Kabamaru – 11

Igano and Shizune decide to join the WWE this week and lay waste to all opposition, until Wrestlemania rolls around yet again and the main event sees the two facing each other in a submission faceoff. Shizune gets in a few early clothes lines but after a game-changing suplex by Igano, he unleashes his fearsome arm-lock. This looks like the end of the line for Shizune’s wrestling career… or does it? Watch a completely unrelated eleventh episode of Igano Kabamaru now to (not) find out.

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Captain Tsubasa (2002) – 34


As with ep 32, this episode is one in which we learn more backstory — specifically, Santana’s.  So, without further ado, I now present to you the next episode in the saga called, “Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002”.  Download it and then enjoy learning about how Santana came to be known as “The Son of the Soccer God”.

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Igano Kabamaru – 10

Eeks! After an experiment by part-time student, part-time evil scientist Maejima-kun goes horribly wrong, lots of kitchenware and utensils start running amok and attacking people. Can Kabamaru survive the savage pot-and-pan invasion? Or will he succumb to the onslaught of boiling soup, whisked eggs and barbecue skewers? Find out in episode 10 of Igano Kabamaru.

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Captain Tsubasa (2002) – 33


In anime, as in real life, one must face formidable opponents. This is especially true in episode 33 of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 (CT 2002). At this point in his career with the Brancos, Tsubasa is facing a most formidable player: Santana, a man with eyes of steel and a determination to match. Will Tsubasa be able to score against this player, who is also known as the “Soccer Cyborg”? You’ll have to watch this episode of CT 2002 to find out for yourself!

While I’ve been away battling my own formidable opponents in real life, I noticed that several other Saizen Fansubbing projects have been moving forward. Well… I’m happy to report that, with the release of episode 33, Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 will be moving forward as well! WooHoo!!

Before I end this release post, I want to take a moment to thank everyone (the rest of the CT2002 team AND the fans who have been downloading this series) for hanging around and waiting patiently for me to get back to work on this project. Thanks for not giving up on me, everyone!!

And now, here’s what y’all have been waiting for: the link to the next episode of CT2002:


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Enjoy this episode, and then check back regularly for more exciting episodes of Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002! Let the match begin!!

Igano Kabamaru – 09

“Hi there. Remember me? Yes, it’s Kabamaru-kun. You know… the one with the crazy ninja skills? Never mind. I’ve fallen on hard times recently – the tuition fees at Kingyoku cleaned me out – so I had to get a part-time job to pay my way. I met this director (well, he had a camera at least) who told me I had the right face for adult entertainment, so I started doing some shooting with Poopy for his next film. I’ve now perfected the ‘flying rape’ technique which is really fun. I’ve linked the video below. Hope you enjoy it. Gimme a call if you want to cast me in anything. Peace.”


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