Ashita no Joe – 52-64 Batch (incl v2’s)

We’re finally back with more Joe, and now we only have one arc left. We’re trying to get back in gear on this btw.
I’ve gotten myself a huge backlog, but I’m trying to shrink it bit by bit. #reallifeissues
So please don’t lose hope in us, and no whining about Ippo being more prioritized than Joe, please, cause you have no idea wtf you’re talking about. ^_^

Don’t forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.

Ashita no Joe – Aoyama & Rikiishi Pilot Episodes

I’m back with the treat I promised. Unfortunately, it’s not the movies, but we do have plans for those too, eventually. ^^
These pilot episodes are kind of promotional videos of the series from what I understand.
I don’t think they have to be watched in any specific order either.
You will also notice how some of the voices differ from the actual series. ^^
Hopefully you’ll enjoy these videos as much as I did. =)

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MD5: A957152D64BB256A3706D8C2C4F8A2A6
CCCP icon[Saizen]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_Pilot_-_Rikiishi_[84EAA2C9].mkv
MD5: 053160EB0A4EDD5D3802CA49DDC8AE80

Ashita no Joe – 60

Quite a lot of releases lately, but less of Ashita no Joe. I’d like to go into detail, but let’s just blame all the people whining about when the next episode is gonna get released instead. That’s also why we’ve decided to drop Ashita no Joe. But, since a few more episodes have been translated, we’ve decided to release till episode 79 before we drop the show for real. No hard feelings, right? 😉

Don’t forget to visit Hokuto no Gun.

CCCP icon[Saizen-HnG]_Ashita_no_Joe_-_60_[DVD][88B5F250].mkv
MD5: 16729A4CA6EB4F553D4732456BF077B8