I’m back with the treat I promised. Unfortunately, it’s not the movies, but we do have plans for those too, eventually. ^^
These pilot episodes are kind of promotional videos of the series from what I understand.
I don’t think they have to be watched in any specific order either.
You will also notice how some of the voices differ from the actual series. ^^
Hopefully you’ll enjoy these videos as much as I did. =)
I liked these pilots, but the voices were super bad!
What? I thought these were DVD even… :/
Perhaps sango meant seiyuu quality and not sound in general?
He messed up his comment apparently. ^^
I never knew of these existing, so thanks for making us aware of them, and for going the extra mile! I hope somebody adds these pilot episodes to MAL’s database, if possible, if one knows the dates when these were aired… which I assume is 1969?
Well yes the seiyuus are different! But I think because these pilot episodes were before the anime?
Well they’re not bad, it’s that we the audience of Anj are familiar with the seiyuus of the anime!
But anyway, thanks for releasing these, they were extremely interesting! I myself didn’t know about these!
Thanks Saizen and HnG!
Arere!, I was out all the day while Juggy released awesome things π
Thanks guys, many many thanks π
@Drugster: yeah, different seiyuus, but I think that’s actually appropriate for the pilots. essentially mini-summaries, but they feel like they were told from the perspective of a different AnJ character altogether.
Was Tenge called Kenkichi before? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the first few episodes, but I remember him going by his real name.
either that or Joe would just call him “old man”
HnG didn’t work at these, by the way.
He’s been called Kenkichi by Sachi a lot I think. ^^ Not so much anymore, I think it was during the juvie episodes. I have no idea when they aired, I assume 1969-1970.
@Sangofe: My bad, that’s true lol
Well anyway thanks a lot for these Saizen π
It was odd to hear Joe call him that. I’m pretty sure he called him old man most of the time.
Awesome release Saizen, looking forward to seeing AnJ completed in its entirety.
reseed please