Can I please have a moment of everyone’s attention.
Today is a sad day for everyone in Saizen, as our friend and fellow fansubber CP passed away. CP had been struggling with bladder cancer since March this year. In August he got worse, and unfortunately isn’t with us anymore as of today.
I think everyone who had the opportunity to work with CP can agree that he was a person who always did his best to help out any way he could. Without CP there likely wouldn’t be any Miyuki, nor Yawara, having payed for all the DVDs and BDs, as well as helping out in the fansub process. Not only on these couple of series, however, but pretty much across all projects in Saizen, Live-Evil, and Orphan.
I didn’t know “CP” in person, but from my experience, having hung out with him on IRC for a few years, I could tell he was a really nice person, and always appeared to me as happy and optimistic. At least he got to make his trip to Japan last year that he really looked forward to.
CP will truly be missed. I wish I had something more to write, but I’ll just end by saying that both CP and his family will be in our thoughts. 🙁
Rest in peace, CP!