Baby and Me – 24

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you Pink vs. Red, the latest installment of the Power Rangers franchise. After years of frankly terrible leadership, the Red Ranger (Bryson Cummerbund) finds his position as the leader of the Power Rangers under threat when the Pink Ranger (Layla Huffenstuff) stages a coup against him. Will she prevail in freeing her fellow rangers from the tyranny of the Red Ranger, or will he win out and continue his reign of terror and abject failure unchecked? And what is the Green Ranger (Kai Kameron) doing while all this is going on? Sitting at home, watching TV and eating chips? All these questions and more will not be answered in the latest episode of Baby and Me Pink vs. Red: Rangers at War.

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MD5: 8c372f4dbfcb2592c9494cb613d7fbb0

Jump School Volume 1: Akira Toriyama (Interview)

Here’s a bit of a special treat from us here at Saizen!

A few years ago, Shonen Jump interviewed some of their most prominent artists for the magazine’s 30th anniversary including group favorite Akira Toriyama! We at Saizen took it upon ourselves to subtitle the 45-minute-long first episode of this series of interviews featuring Toriyama. Without spoiling too much, Toriyama’s is a story of stealing money from your parents; ripping off the character designs from Star Wars; being too sleep-deprived to tell apart the traffic lights; and just generally winging it and somehow coming out on top in the end. If you’re a fan of Toriyama’s work or perhaps even an aspiring artist yourself, we highly recommend you give this baby a watch!

This release was brought to you by the following awesome people:

Translator/TLC: Khon
Timer: sangofe
Editor: Mizu no Kamo
QC: Nemesis, TougeWolf, sangofe

Enjoy! ^_^

Magnet URI[Saizen] Jump School Volume 1 - Akira Toriyama [75E37EFC].mkv
MD5: e895ea69b0d6a9a4b2a17a79b82e0051

Laughing Salesman 100-103 END?

Well, we’re all done here… Or are we? But as Moguro so poignantly says here, we will likely meet him again in the remaining specials. It’s been pretty darn close to 7 years since we began this one with our friends at Live-eviL, and still we got more work to do, ain’t that like Moguro-san to troll us, right? Enjoy some more dastardly hijinks here. Check out this write-up by series’ editor Collectr here.

Magnet URI[Evil-Saizen] Laughing Salesman 100-103 (720p)
MD5: n/a