I think a few of us have felt what Mr. Moon is feeling here…
A note on this episode: For some reason, the Japanese studio decided to misspell Connie’s name. Or she couldn’t spell it herself. Because, y’know, Cony (how she signs her pudding) is not pronounced Con-nee, it’s pronounced Coh-nee. So, we at Ruri-Saizen have decided to carry on referring to her as Connie in the subs, because… well, we don’t need a reason. We considered typesetting over the Cony so that viewers would be nonethewiser, but I was talked out of it so that we didn’t seem like trolls. You guys deserve to know the truth, after all! So, there it is. Hope this doesn’t start any drama about preserving the source material and all that jazz! :O
[Ruri-Saizen] Line Offline Salaryman – 07[B6E86E79].mkv