While there have been quite a few notable football series since the turn of the decade (Blue Lock, Ao Ashi, and Farewell, My Dear Cramer), the decade before offered slim pickings for football fans, stretching right back to the powerhouse that was Giant Killing at the beginning of the 2010s. The only real exception to this (aside from the remake of Captain Tsubasa if you’re into that) was a 2016 series called DAYS. Following a complete novice in Tsukamoto Tsukushi, it was a somewhat basic look at high school football, but it had a colourful cast and some enjoyable footie action, and while its 24-episode run didn’t do quite enough to earn itself a sequel series, in 2018, a three-episode set of OVAs was released to bring some resolution to the story. These episodes were subbed and released by Orphan way back in 2019, but another set of OAD episodes that was packaged with the manga in 2017 and focused on a training camp remained unsubbed. Step forward the combined forces of Orphan and Saizen! This one’s been in the vault for a while (due to staffing issues for both groups) but we finally got it over the line after many years of trying. So if you’re a fan of the series or just like watching a bunch of high school dudes goofing off for the best part of 45 minutes, this release is for you. Enjoy!