It’s time for yet another batch!
Now we’re nearing the end of the tournament. Who will Yawara face in the finals? What really happened between Yawara and her dad? Will Jigoro sit calmly in the commentator booth? This and more in the link below. 🙂
Don’t forget to visit our jointing buddies over at Live-eviL!
MD5: n/a
Awesome! Thank you for your hard work.
I was wondering, is it possible for you guys to translate the only episode that isn’t lost of the Laughing Salesman Live Action? I know it isn’t anime and is kinda long (45 minutes), but you guys have done and continue to do such a wonderful work on the Laughing Salesman anime (which I LOVE btw, so thanks very much!) and this is literally the only other piece of LS TV shows that hasn’t been translated (or assigned for future translation), and us LS fans would very much like to watch it 🙂
you can find it here in 3 parts:
I can also upload the merged version if you want :).
You guys are fantastic! But is there any chance of getting hold of Laughing Salesman ep. 09-25 in 720p?
Thanks again for your hard work!
Hope you guys are doing well. Haven’t heard from you guys lately.
IRL issues as well?
Yup, we’re still around. Real Life (TM) just getting in the way of subbing at the moment, but hopefully we’ll be able to release some more eps of stuff soon.
Please continue Kuroko S3