Baby and Me – 27

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a romantic period drama. Yes, no babies in sight (they’re romance-killers, after all), only vintage parasols, cherry blossoms falling all around, and ladies swooning if you so much as even look in their direction. Ah, a simpler time…

That’s all for CP Day this year, so all that remains for me to say is Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!

Magnet URI[HyZen]_Baby_and_Me_-_27_[DVD_480p][C13280BC].mkv
MD5: 7c8d591102c3b1e20745f6a0f89c387f

Yawara – 79-86 (BD)

As many of you will remember, Christmas Eve is CP Day in this corner of the internet: the day where we release a bunch of episodes to celebrate the life of our much-missed colleague, ConsiderPhlebas, on what would have been his birthday. The Yawara team have been hard at work yet again to get another batch ready and it seems only fitting to release a whopping 8 episodes today of all days. So if you’re struggling to find stuff to do over the Christmas period, treat yourself to a few hours of judo goodness.

As ever, this project is a joint with the wonderful folks over at Live-eviL and a little birdie told me they just finished up one of their other projects, so go check ’em out if you get a chance!

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_079_-_086_[720p][Blu-Ray].mkv
MD5: n/a