Yawara – 21 (BD)


It’s about time Yawara got some serious work-out done (even though #Beach2017 is over), good thing she’s got an unexpected visitor of the bigger sort. 🙂

Also, don’t forget to visit Live-eviL!

Addendum: This release marks the second anniversary of the passing of our much missed friend and all round supersubber, CP. Time moves on but his absence is felt every day in both Saizen and Live-Evil. It’s difficult to know what to say in times like this, especially when it seems like everything’s already been said, so I’ll keep it short and sweet: We miss you, buddy, and even if it takes us until we join you in eternal repose (which will probably be the case for Charady), we will finish everything you poured so much effort into, to honor your memory.

Magnet URI[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara!_-_021_[720p][Blu-Ray][C0D5DF22].mkv
MD5: cde2c9384dc71e1bdd757ce0f02b021e