Hey there. Who’d think they would see Major released by Saizen again?
One day, sangofe (I) asked blakbunnie27, the translator who translated for Umai about the status of their project. He said they had no editor, so I suggested to ask AMS, our good old major editor for a comeback editing Major World Series. He agreed, Timescar said all right to typeset, Juggen ok’d making a karaoke and QC, and in addition we got help with qc from limpakos, and kazuki. I myself timed and qc’d, and the result of out teamwork has brought a result we all can feel proud of.
This is a two-episode OVA, so stay tuned for the next and final episode. ^^
Also, for everyone wondering, this OVA takes place between Season 6 and the OVA “Message”, also released by umai.

MD5: CA2AC62EB37DA8AD9FC798755ED8B6B0
Any plans on doing the TV version of this OVA? It’s apparently 15 minutes longer http://www.animenewsnetwork.com.au/news/2012-06-10/baseball-video-anime-major-adds-15-minutes-of-unseen-footage
Uhm, too bad we didn’t know about this, or at least it’s too bad for me (since I’m such a major fan). I’m not sure for this version. Would have to see if all of the staffers would want. I myself surely want, though, but I’m not the voice of everyone.
Thank you!
Christmas presents come early this year.
You’re welcome, krs. How are you, btw? Haven’t seen you in a long while!
was wondering when someone would finally sub this.. thanks! 😀
Where is episode 2????????!!!!! ^_^
AMS is still sick.
I see. ^^